KNX Capacitive Touch Thermostat for room temperature control with button to adjust the HVAC operating mode.
It incorporates a Display that shows both the Setpoint or Ambient Temperature and the Relative Humidity of the environment.
4 buttons with preset functionality:
· Decrease Set-point Temperature.
· Increase Set-point Temperature.
· Switch On/Off Thermostat.
· HVAC Mode.
In addition, there are 2 free buttons which can be configured as a Switch, Dimmer, Control of Blinds / Shutters, Scenes, etc.
Integrated Temperature Sensor, Brightness Sensor and Relative Humidity.
HVAC mode LED.
Its main functionality is complemented with 4 Binary / Analog Inputs, which can be connected to a Door / Window Contact or a DINUY Temperature Probe.
Allows enabling and configuring one Heating and / or Cooling Thermostat.
Press or status indicator LEDs with ETS configurable luminosity and RGB color on the 2 freely configurable keys.
No need external power, only the KNX Bus.
Designed for flush mounting into universal mechanism box.
Commissioning by ETS5 or later versions.