230V-operated KNX-RF S-Mode Wireless Transmitter with 4 Binary or Analog Inputs.
Each of the 4 inputs can be individually parameterized through the ETS:
· Binary Input (pushbutton): Switch, Dimmer, Multiple Switch, Sequential Switch, Blinds Control, Scenes Management, Value Transmitter, Pulse Counter.
· Analog Input: Temperature Sensor, connecting the DINUY probes "ST KNT 001" or "ST KNT 002".
· Motion Detector Input: connecting DINUY's motion detector “DM KNT 004”.
Incorporates up to 4 independent Thermostats for the control of Heating and / or Cooling of 4 different zones.
Supplied by the 230V mains.
Programming and commissioning via ETS5 or later version.